

Whether the thought of going back to school makes you smile or groan, a checklist is in order before your first day. We’ll guide you through the areas that might need attention before you hit the books. 

Checklist for Your Health

Enjoying school starts with a healthy body and mind. Here are a few items to consider:

Eye exam. Have you had your eyes checked? Seeing clearly is important. If you’re squinting or struggling to read or watch TV, you might need glasses.

Dental exam. Yes, we know you don’t like going to the dentist, but a quick cavity check will keep your teeth in good shape. Who wants to start the year with a filling?

Annual checkup. Keep your body in tip-top shape so you can withstand those long days of studying and activities.

Vaccines. Make sure you’ve had all the vaccines required by your school district.

Good nutrition. Nutrients are essential to your brain health. Make good choices for snacks and drinks and don’t resort to chips and sodas.

Checklist for Your Lunch

Speaking of good nutrition, your lunches give you a much-needed second wind for afternoon classes and activities. Remember to keep a balanced diet, consisting of:

Protein. Whatever your choice of protein, we recommend you go lean. Try grilled chicken, seafood, lean-cut beef, tofu and/or beans. Stay away from fried meats and fatty ground beef.

Carbohydrates. This is where fruits and vegetables come in. Grains are great, too, but unprocessed foods such as bananas and cucumbers are the best choice of all.

Healthy snacks. If your school allows you to eat in or between classes, grab snacks like string cheese, hummus, grapes or whole-wheat crackers.

Checklist for Your Classes

Here are a few things you may not have thought of:

Wall calendar. Pin this up in the kitchen and write down your activities on it so the entire family can keep up.

Alarm clock. Test your alarm clock before the first day of school to make sure it works and you know how to set it.

Backpack. Get padding on the straps—backpacks get really heavy!

Your smile. Don’t forget to enjoy the first day of school. Put on your biggest smile, and make it your best year ever!

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