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Have you decided you want to work hard and make good grades this year? If so, that’s great! It’s going to take some hard work and self-discipline to reach your goals, but if you can develop a few good habits this school year, you’ll achieve the grades you want and develop a work ethic that will guarantee life-long success.

Read these common get-out-of-homework excuses and the best ways to avoid those “But I don’t want to” blues.

Excuse: I’ll never use what I’m learning in this class.

Maybe you’ll never use the quadratic equation as an adult, but you will definitely have to complete tasks you find difficult or boring in order to complete a project. For example, to run your own business, you might have to create a budget. While that’s not a glamorous part of being an entrepreneur, it is necessary. Don’t worry—no homework lasts forever. Stick with it!

Excuse: My friends keep texting me and I can’t concentrate.

That’s probably because you’re texting them back. Distractions like TV, texting, social media and video games can greatly reduce your productivity. To fight these distractions, turn off your phone and TV during certain hours, and limit your internet and video game use to a set number of hours a day or week. You can even download software that will prevent you from visiting distracting websites for a set number of hours. This practice will set you up for success as an adult, too, as distractions never go away no matter how old you get.

Excuse: I have the whole weekend to do my homework.

True, but do you really want that in the back of your mind all night Friday and all day Saturday? Fight the urge to procrastinate by doing your homework on Friday night or early on Saturday. You’ll be surprised how much more fun the rest of the weekend will be and how accomplished you’ll feel!

Excuse: If I stay up all night, I can finish my project.

Unless you’ve really procrastinated, your project can wait. Hard work is important, but staying healthy is even more important. If you tend to work a little too hard, remember that balance is key. Focus for an hour or two, but then step away to eat, sleep, play and spend time with your family and friends. Prevent the kind of burnout that will eventually hamper your productivity in the long run.

Excuse: Homework is boring!

Yes, work can be boring sometimes. This is where strong goals come in handy. Write down your long- and short-term goals and keep them in front of you while you work. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step toward your future success. Seeing the big picture can motivate you to work hard all year long! 

When you wake up with a positive attitude, recognize your excuses and stay determined to do your best, your work ethic will skyrocket and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

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